If you have ever searched the Internet for Italia or Intermeccanica websites, then you know they are almost nonexistent. Yet, because of what I do for a living as well as for personal enjoyment, I have met many fine people from all over the world who share an interest in these beautiful Italian automobiles. This website has been designed to provide comprehensive access to aftermarket and replacement parts and accessories for these rare and beautiful automobiles. Beyond that, the site exists also as a place where lovers of the Italia, Apollo, Griffith, Omega, Torino, and Indra can meet to share information and swap stories.
As someone with a strong interest and depth of experience in the restoration of classic cars, I quickly was drawn into the fold of Intermeccanica enthusiasts, and soon began my own journey of discovery, with its triumph and woe, all wrapped tightly around a certain red Italia that in the past several years has gone through a virtual rebirth. Some might call this seemingly endless work-in-progress an obsession with the details, but in its own way it has been a life-affirming experience for me. You can read about my experience in what what I refer to as "The Never Ending Story" by clicking here. Those of you with similar tales to tell are welcome to email us your own stories and we will be pleased to add them to our website.
Be sure to let us hear from you if you would like to send photos and information about your car, or car shows that you have attended. We have a series of photo galleries on this website and are always looking for additional material for them. If you send us digital photographs with accompanying text details, we'll do our best to make sure that your photos have a place on our website. If you're sending photos of your car, of particular interest would be any special features that it might have, such as factory dual-quad carbs or other exotic elements. Send your photos and text to us at this email address: info@italiareproductions.com. Please be sure to include your name and address, or email address.
Those of you who would like to send us stories, letters or your commentary on any subject related to Italia, Apollo or any other Intermeccanica cars, please use our Feedback page. We have an area on this website dedicated to stories and correspondence and your submissions will be posted there.
In addition, Italia Reproductions welcomes any ideas about utilizing this website to help organize a club or information center focused on Intermeccanica car enthusiasts. There aren't a whole lot of us around but what we lack in numbers we make up for in sheer dedication to some of the finest examples of innovative automobile design of the latter decades of the 20th century.
With warm regards,
John Thomas Fortney